
Vast Array, Matrices, Matroids of Chat GPT, and Murthy GPT

  Vast Array, Matrices, Matroids of Chat GPT, and Murthy GPT Dr. KRS Murthy YES. I am actively brainstorming in the Chat GPT and futuristic platforms, I have already applied for provisional patents in the Chat GPT Murthy GPT, and advanced versions with applications to multiple verticals including the following: 1. Medical equipment, instrumentation, building architecture, healthcare, application to human,, veterinary vertical domains 2. In Silico, In Vitro, and Clinical Trial Simulations for Drug Discovery. 3. Forestry, agriculture, gardening, topiary, herbal gardening 4. Algal Simulations, Algal Farms, Algal Nutrition, Algal Biofuel. 5. Human and animal gut microbiome, Two-way messaging between the gut microbiome and the Brain, Microbiome on human surfaces to the environment interaction simulations. 6. Human resources and recruiting, Analytical platforms for the Labor Department. 7. Cosmology and aerospa

Is AI good or evil?

  Is AI good or evil? Dr. KRS Murthy Interesting how humans think: Always in binary mode "Yes or No" Friend or Foe is how simple brains believe, in this case about the AI. I want to impress on these "binary" thinkers humans that AI has been excellent and useful most of the time. If AI failed or was gullible, it was not the fault of the AI, but of the humans who created it. Learn to think better and look at everything as non-binary. Learn to think "How do we make AI better by doing ML better than we do sometimes? This is true for humans also: Most humans are a mix of good and bad with different grades of good and different grades of bad. Humans also are programmed once they are born. The newborn baby goes through learning from the mother on the first day to a month or more, and later from other family members, neighbors, and friends. The grown-up baby through childhood and adulthood will become a complex mixture of traits, and will not be binary. Why do we expec

URGENT NEED: Innovative Paradigms in University and Corporate Continuing Education

URGENT GLOBAL NEED in EDUCATION: Innovative Paradigms in University and Corporate Continuing Education Theme : Urgent Need for Educational Institutions to Keep Up with Scientific & Technological Growth, and also for continuing educa tion enhancement of technology and business professionals and corporate leadership. Dr. KRS Murthy I could provide a comprehensive presentation or even a series of presentations to your organization apex level leadership, and also at reputed universities or a conference. Here are my accomplishments, original, axiomatic, foundational contributions, novel paradigms, paradigm shift plus customized advisory. Please read and review my lifetime accomplishments and notice my portfolio of corporate leadership track record in the following link. Actually, thr link gives less 5% of my full suite of accomplishments. Scientific and technological progress has been accelerating in s

Dr. KRS Murthy Resume & Professional Profile 2023

 Dr. KRS Murthy Resume & Professional Profile 2023 Name: KRS Murthy Address: 5822 Charlotte Road, #3321, San Jose, CA, USA Email: Employment SUMMARY Proton Equity Global, Founder, CEO, San Jose, California From 1/2004 to Present Group President, PNS Telecom, Power-Point Green Energy 08/1987 to 12/2003 Bell Labs Founder and Director, Government Funded Research, 08/1985 to 12/1995  AT&T USA President Broadband Provisioning, 01/1996 to 08/1997 General Electric, Manager, Cable TV, 01/1982 to 08/1985 California State University, Professor, Electronics Engineering, 09/1979 to 12/1982 Lifetime Accomplishment Summary on Competitive Strategy: A leading expert in corporate strategy, competitive analysis, competitive products, and services analysis, and competitive strategy PLUS extremely innovative paradigms in corporate strategy, competitive analysis, competitive positioning, competitive benchmarking, AI and ML-based competitive analysis, and position inv