Dr. KRS Murthy's Ultra Critical Analysis PLUS - MINUS - MISSING in India 2022 + Budget by Nirmala Sitaraman

ULTRA CRITICAL ANALYSIS = PLUS - MINUS - MISSING in India 2022 + Budget by Nirmala Sitaraman

Dr. KRS Murthy


The Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitaraman presented her 2022-2023 and Beyond Budget with all the elected leaders of India including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, plus Speaker of the House, and the full house of leaders attending on February 02, 2022, in New Delhi. I listened to and viewed the 90-minute presentation.

She basically read the text of the budget proposal, not explain, the summary, the text details, and numbers. She started with a few words of customary greetings in Hindi but switched to English right away. Many elected leaders who were present, and about 1.3 Billion Indians in the nation may not know or understand English, especially Indians in the northern part of India, and a large part of Indians in the southern, western, eastern, and other various parts of India  The Dalits, who are considered by India as disadvantaged, poor, illiterate and poorly educated. 

Even Hindi touted as the national language of India, is a very poor language with very differently spoken with a lot of Urdu words, which is the curse from slavery to the invading, and with treacherous religion, low and stone-age cultural value, very poor in scientific, technical and advanced subjects, including finance and economics in this particular case.

She did not use or refer to any charts and graphs, and the advanced multimedia in her speech, which I call "only demonstrating the ability to read English". I am certain, if I or other experts quizzed her, she would fall apart. I am not sure of any subject matter expertise, educational qualifications, or work experience in the fields of Finance, Economics, simple concepts like money, banking, GDP,  investments, infrastructure investments, supply chain, foreign exchange, and most importantly the simple definitions of the disadvantaged populations who need some support, NOT based on birth, birth family, caste, social status, as India intentionally ignores the intelligent, very hardworking, super-bright but financially very poor micro and nano minority, who end up looking to migrate out to other wealthy countries, purely based on the intellectual prowess and hard work ethics. 

Her speech and content should have been given 20 years ago, compared to advanced countries like the USA, South Korea. Japan, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and China have implemented the latest technologies, practices, and methodologies all along the previous decades. She is the epitome of a total lack of world knowledge. 

For example, solar PV technology has been indigenously developed, manufactured, deployed, and exported by many countries especially by the USA, China, South Korea, Japan, Germany, and Canada for already two to three decades. India has failed in indigenously sourcing, manufacturing, and deploying not only solar, and also wind turbines, solar thermal, geothermal, electric storage, ocean wind, tidal, and wave energy. I visited with my corporate and technology team in 2009 to attend the Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission (what has Nehru and his Nehru-Gandhi family to do with solar energy even the basic understanding!) in the Vigyan Bhavan (which is incorrectly named) in December 2009. Even in 2009, India and the leaders like Dr. Manmohan Singh, Minister of MNRE Farukh Abdulla who presided have never had any technology knowledge prowess, while Farukh Abdulla is only a Muslim friend of the Muslim Nehru-Gandhi family. 

I visited India again with my technology and executive team in November 2014, when my team visited a few solar PV installation parks in Indore and also Rajasthan. I found that all solar panels in the solar park were manufactured in China, Canada, and Germany, with Sterling and Wilson as the contractors. None of them produced any solar PV, as the panels probably were not working when they were bought by paying precious foreign exchange but to be only used as fake props. The solar park was sold to gullible capitalist companies to be used as tax shelters 

In Gujarat, probably when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat State ( I love and admire the business prowess of the Gujaratis), solar panels were installed on sewage and other canals, touted by Narendra Modi as a great idea. I don't expect Narendra Modi to know any technology, except for his food and tea selling track record, in solar PV or other energy technologies. All semiconductor electronics and including solar PV failure rate is high especially in this case due to Arhaneous and Peck Laws of semiconductor-based components, due to heat, and the Peck's law of severe failure rate when exposed water vapor, especially applicable to the solar panels on sewage channels or weather streams and canals. Talk about stupidity in India.

Tata BP and other solar PV companies were led by people, all hired and appointed by Ratan Tata, who had ZERO knowledge and qualification in PV or any energy technologies. Obviously, they all failed and closed. Recently, I have learned that many or most of the wind turbine farms in India do not work. India does NOT produce wind turbines but bought them from Germany and China paying precious foreign exchange.

Nirmala Sitaraman read the text that addressed high-speed railways. She may not understand what she was reading.  She should have included the following:

  1. Metrics and methodologies to evaluate the success, routine rating monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually, quick revisions when things and results  don't go as proposed, 
  2. Fundamental assumptions for the chosen methods, solutions, and routine evaluations
  3. Routine Communications to all the stakeholders to include, the elected leaders, industry stakeholders, subject matter expert academician, and industry expert teams, and to the general public/ citizens, media.
  4. Upstream and downstream communication.
  5. Detailed profiles of her different teams
Narendra Modi as the PM should justify how and why he chose the different ministers and other leaders, who were the candidates considered, selection, and appointment criteria. 

Every attendee elected leaders including Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, and all other high profile leaders were "beating the benches routinely like rowdy youth, and they all deserved to be shamed and belted with canes. This is a shame for India. They all take heavy bribes. Could they listen, or simply sleep while someone is speaking. They also keep talking and shouting all the time. These elected people should be disciplined, but who will discipline them as all are total idiots!

In March 2014, before Narendra Modi was elected as the PM, as he was elected in May 2014, based on his request to his childhood friend Dr. Mahesh Shah in Boston, MA, USA, I was charged to develop Holistic Indian National Strategies, with me as a member of a small team in the USA. 

I developed extremely detailed strategies for NINE verticals to include high-speed rail and how they should be integrated with the existing railway system. Just FYI, other strategies developed by me, and me alone, with NO input from others in the team, as the others were probably "Busy", included the following all Holistic Indian Strategies including:

1. Two-page summary

2. 150 Plus slides with subsidies for each slide, average for NINE strategies verticals

3. Extensive corpus of supporting materials

4. ALL coming from my head and brain, NONE from google and similar sources, therefore ALL original contributions.

Verticals included: 

  1. Different energy technologies,
  2. Holistic Healthcare,
  3. Holistic K-12, College, University Education for ALL
  4. Holistic Road and other Infrastructure
  5. Clean Water for ALL
  6. Reurbanization, Deurbanization and Smart Cities and Villages
  7. Indian Holistic Nano-Micro Productization, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Strategy
  8. Ocean wind turbines, wave and tidal energy
  9. Blue Economy
  10. Forestation and Re-forestation Strategy
  11. Precision Agriculture
  12. Precision Gardening
  13. Precision Herbal Gardening
  14. Biomass and Waste to Energy
  15. Centers of Excellence or R&D, Productization, Manufacturing and Supply Chain.


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